Call for R&D in E-Mobility: Testing and piloting sustainable transport for social, socio-economic and ecological impact in Kenya

This call has expired.
The call was closed on 15th January 15 2024.
The Kenyan and German governments have formed a climate and development partnership which covers areas such as expanding energy sources, electrical mobility projects and the green hydrogen economy. As part of this bilateral partnership, Siemens Stiftung will implement a social venture research program for e-mobility solutions in Kenya.
By offering a Pilot and Prepare to Scale E-Mobility Solutions program we plans to accelerate the adoption of e-mobility solutions in Kenya. Market tested products and business models have the potential to increase the social and ecological impact of the enterprises. These products and business models create opportunities for localized value chains with job creation and the adaptation of the technology for undeserved user groups.
Siemens Stiftung’s e-mobility program as part of German International Cooperation Agency’s (GIZ) “Promotion of e-mobility in Kenya” project, launching a call for research and development (R&D) to validate and implement products and business models in the e-mobility sector. The call is open for enterprises operative in the e-mobility value chain in Kenya (or related sectors relevant to e-mobility). 3-5 enterprises with a product or service in the e-mobility sector will conduct R&D projects for about 12 months to develop effective market-based solutions and increase the social and ecological impact of e-mobility.” The successful candidates will collaborate with Siemens Stiftung and GIZ to gain insights into the intersection of e-mobility and its potential to harness social, socio-economic, and ecological benefits by conducting field-based R&D.
Results will be published in the format of study reports and in event formats such as conferences and webinars. The form of publication and dissemination will be discussed together with the participating ventures. The idea of dissemination is to encourage other ecosystem players to replicate and learn from the results.
Minimum eligibility criteria for enterprises:
- Registered and operative in Kenya
- Market experience in Kenya
- A market-tested prototype/business model which attracted first users and clients
- Demonstrate the social and/or ecological impact;
- Operative in the battery, waste recycling, charging/swapping or electric vehicle and technology in the e-mobility value chain;
- No pending litigations against the enterprise or its management team;
- Female-led enterprises, enterprises with female founders, and enterprises addressing specific gender challenges are encouraged to apply.
The foundation conducts a feasibility and eligibility check of all applications after the 15th January. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to elaborate and present their R&D projects (including a project plan, milestones, and timeline) in the call.
Selected applicants will receive:
- Selected applicants will receive a service contract value of min. USD 30,000 and up to USD 75,000 for max. 12 months (project durations of 15 months are possible, but need to be justified in detail)
- Joint applications of more than one company focusing on two or more solutions (product/service/business model) are eligible; such candidates can apply for up to USD 110,000 for a duration of 12 to max. 18 months
Siemens Stiftung will not work with entities that are:
- Companies that currently have an active contract with Siemens Stiftung
- Expecting to receive an unrestricted grant
Contract Details
Interested candidates are asked to submit the following documents using their own format or the provided template:
- Project idea for an R&D project (problem/challenge, proposed methodology, financial sustainability strategy, and expected project outcome);
(no longer than 5 pages in Word or 15 slides in Word). - Brief budget (staff, material, and other costs) and expected project duration (timeplan)
- Proof of an available prototype
(including photos, protocols, or certification of local registration) - Proof for initial users and clients
e.g. financial statement of the previous 12 month - Registration certificate
- Shareholder information
- CVs of the R&D team.
Application Process
Application Process: Deadline for submissions is 15th January 2024
Please get in touch in case of any questions before your final submission at
As part of the application process, Siemens Stiftung offers you the opportunity to take part in a Human Centred Design (HCD) workshop to offer you the resources and support you need to develop strong project proposals and discuss your R&D project idea in an individual session before your final submission.
The call opens on November 20, 2023, and applications will be accepted until January 15, 2024, or until suitable candidates are contracted.
Interested candidates are encouraged to use their own format or send their application using the following template.
Please register for the Q&A session on Wednesday 6th December 2023 at 2pm EAT
Please contact us for more information. If, at any stage of the application or evaluation process, the applicant considers that a mistake has been made, the evaluators have acted unfairly or failed to comply with the rules, and the applicant´s interests have been prejudiced as a result, the following complaint mechanism is available. A complaint should be drawn up in English and submitted by email.
Please add Complaint R&D in E-Mobility to the subject of the email and include:
- Contact details
- The subject of the complaint
- Information and evidence regarding the alleged breach
Collaboration with the e-mobility ecosystem
The project is being implemented jointly with GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH as part of the German Climate Technology Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

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