Press Releases & News

Meldung | General, Education | 12 July 2022
Siemens Stiftung and Siemens Caring Hands e.V. support psychosocial emergency aid for Ukrainian children and teenagers
With a joint donation, Siemens Caring Hands e.V. and Siemens Stiftung are supporting the non-profit organization “krisenchat”, which offers young people from Ukraine immediate psychosocial help.
News | Education | 29 June 2022
Fourth international conference on climate change education and sustainable development launches
The conference will focus on the question of how education can help societies adapt to the consequences of climate change.
Press release | Arts & Culture, Education | 24 May 2022
Music In Africa Foundation: Comprehensive report published on revenue streams of music creators in South Africa
As the first report of its kind, ‘Revenue Streams for Music Creators in South Africa 2022’ provides detailed insights into the sources of income of South African musicians.
News | Education | 23 May 2022
New online course ‘Being a Paramedic’ for young Africans available on e-learning platform atingi
We are committed to providing vocational orientation in STEM fields through the digital platform atingi, which is operated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
News | Education | 20 May 2022
Together for STEM: Teacher network Red de Maestros Latinoamérica launches
#TogetherforSTEM: Siemens Stiftung and its partners establish new network for STEM teachers in Latin America.
Notice | Education | 17 May 2022
Siemens Stiftung at the Open Education Global Conference
Together with our partner Tecnológico de Monterrey, we will present our commitment to Open Education Resources in Latin America.
Press release | Education | 11 May 2022
STEAM Hub Siemensstadt Square launched: Think and Do Tank of Siemens Stiftung teaches future skills to shape change positively
Starting in May, the Siemens Stiftung's new STEAM Hub will offer numerous innovative educational projects for students in Siemensstadt Square Berlin.
Notice | Education | 05 May 2022
Siemens Stiftung at Colombia 4.0
Ulrike Wahl, head of Siemens Stiftung’s regional office in Latin America, will join prominent leaders from the STEM sector to discuss to topic of “Women in Education and ICT” at Colombia’s foremost conference for the digital creative economy.
News | Education, Social Entrepreneurship | 13 April 2022
Siemens Stiftung joins Latimpacto social investment network
Dr. Nina Smidt was appointed to Latimpacto's Strategic Advisory Board for a two-year term. The network aims to achieve solutions with greater social and environmental impact in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
News | Social Entrepreneurship | 12 April 2022
Report on “Testing E-Mobility Business Models at WE! Hub Victoria Limited in Kenya”
Siemens Stiftung and its social enterprise WE! Hub Victoria Ltd are publishing a report on business model tests carried out on leasing models for electric motorcycles.