Press Releases & News

Press release | Arts & Culture | 08 October 2021
Pan-African Music Conference ACCES in South Africa at the end of November
From November 25 to 27, 2021, the ACCES Conference will take place in Johannesburg. It is one of the most important events for the pan-African music industry with over 80 artists and 50 speakers.
Press release | General | 01 October 2021
Dr. Nina Smidt and Klaus Grünfelder will co-head the Siemens Stiftung
From 1 October, Dr. Nina Smidt assumes full Managing Director duties at Siemens Stiftung. Klaus Grünfelder takes on a full-time position as CFO from the same date.
News | Education | 22 July 2021
Measures to address the climate crisis: 3rd International Conference on Education for Climate Change defines goals
The use of new educational methods, cross-sectoral cooperation and the expansion of networks were set in a joint declaration.
Press release | Social Entrepreneurship | 13 July 2021
Electric Mobility Made in Africa for Africa: Five African start-ups win Innovation Award for e-mobility solutions
In Siemens Stiftung's first competition in the field of electric mobility, five African social enterprises will receive prize money ranging from €10,000 to €50,000 in order to further develop their products, expand their services and establish them on the market.
Press release | Education | 12 July 2021
Design Thinking in STEM for educators in South Africa: Siemens Stiftung cooperates with Hasso Plattner School of Design Thinking at the University of Cape Town
The Design Thinking in STEM project is based on developing creative potential while confronting challenges that face ...
News | Education | 30 June 2021
Vocational orientation in STEM: Siemens Stiftung’s work in Ghana
The availability of qualified specialists in STEM is an important factor for a nation’s sustainable economic development. However, even though well-trained professionals are crucial for value creation in a country ...
News | Education | 21 June 2021
3rd Conference on Education for Climate Change – An Urgent Call to Action
For the third year in a row, Siemens Stiftung has joined up with other prestigious institutions to organize this international conference to highlight the role of education as a key agent of change to achieve sustainable development ...
Press release | General | 02 June 2021
Siemens Stiftung’s first podcast: Courage & Innovation
Siemens Stiftung’s “Courage & Innovation” podcast is about innovations for sustainable development that are inspired and inspiring. It highlights topical and socially-relevant issues that drive the work of our foundation.
Press release | Education | 26 May 2021
Train the trainer: Design Thinking in STEM permanently integrated in Chile
Design Thinking in STEM, a collaboration between Siemens Stiftung and Denmark’s The Index Project organization, enters a new phase in 2021 with the permanent integration of Design Thinking in STEM into classroom lessons in Chile.
Press release | Arts & Culture | 27 April 2021
Art without a place: The SITIO INESPECIFICO platform creates artistic encounters in digital spaces
Since 26 April 2021, Latin American artists present digital works that create artistic encounters beyond physical spaces on the SITIO INESPECIFICO online platform. With drawings, sound, and poetry, the platform reflects on how cohabitation has changed amid pandemic lockdowns.