Press Releases & News

Notice | Education | 16 July 2018
Mandela School of Science and Technology honors Madiba’s legacy
Nelson Mandela is a role model around the world for what a confident, responsible and values-oriented leader can achieve for a society. On the 18th of July 2018, Madiba, as he’s affectionately called in his home country, would have turned 100 years old. In honor of this special occasion, Siemens Stiftung and the African Leadership Read More...
News | Arts & Culture | 13 July 2018
New event by Terreno Común: City space becomes action space
From July 11 to 22, 2018, the interdisciplinary Chilean collective Mil M2 is working with the Spanish artist Javier Cruz in public spaces in Madrid. In eight districts of the city, the urban intervention project “Proyecto Pregunta” is creating opportunities for encounters – the artists ask residents about the social bonds in the city and Read More...
News | Education | 10 July 2018
Nathalie von Siemens on values promotion and STEM in the digital age
“Young people need the trio of knowledge, skills and character more than ever before today,” Nathalie von Siemens said at the MehrWert MINT conference (“AddedValue STEM”) that was held on July 6 as part of celebrations marking the 150th anniversary of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Over the course of the morning, the highly Read More...
Notice | Social Entrepreneurship | 04 July 2018
empowering people. Award is back: Social Enterprises Win a Chance to Springboard to a Sustainable Future
Siemens Stiftung has launched empowering people. Award 2019, calling on social entrepreneurs and developers from across the world to enter. The award identifies and supports low-tech solutions that address crucial basic needs sectors in developing regions. This is the third round of the competition, launched online through videos and a widespread social media campaign. Technologies Read More...
Notice | Education | 14 June 2018
The STEM patchwork: Are we wasting our opportunities?
A consensus on the importance of STEM education has existed for more than 20 years now. During this period, a broad range of initiatives and programs have been developed to promote courses in these areas as well. Nevertheless, children and adolescents show little interest in natural sciences, and the shortage of skilled employees in STEM-related Read More...
Notice | Education | 07 June 2018
Working together for a national STEM strategy
June 7, 2018 – At today’s National STEM Summit, members of the Nationales MINT Forum (National STEM Forum Germany) are calling for a regular dialog with federal, regional, and municipal authorities in order to collaboratively develop a national STEM strategy. The Nationales MINT Forum has identified six core concerns as useful starting points. These will Read More...
Notice | Education | 18 May 2018
Teach research-based learning! Conduct modern lessons and turn children into explorers
Siemens Stiftung and University of Oldenburg are teaming together to introduce aspiring primary school teachers to modern teaching methods in science and technology education. The goal is to bring university students pursuing a teaching degree up to speed on the techniques and didactics of research-based learning. Siemens Stiftung’s international education program Experimento had been added Read More...
Notice | Social Entrepreneurship | 16 May 2018
New case study: “The practice of co-design for technology transfer”
Co-developed by MIT D-Lab and Siemens Stiftung, a new case study illustrates how participatory design can be used to catalyze technology transfer across underserved communities and contribute to a transfer’s long-term outcomes.For about 16 years, the MIT Development Lab (D-Lab) contributed to international development through their innovative approaches mainly through collaborative design approaches and the Read More...
Notice | Education | 26 April 2018
Digital teaching material for STEM subjects: quality-checked, open and free
The Siemens Stiftung Media Portal now offers unrestricted media access without registration, its own student area and other useful functions for teachers. With the newly exclusive CC licensing, teachers throughout the world can modify downloaded classroom material to meet their didactical and cultural needs and then share it. The Siemens Stiftung Media Portal has provided Read More...
Notice | Education | 25 April 2018
National STEM Summit 2018: A focus on quality assurance and impact orientation
The sixth National STEM Summit will be held on June 7, 2018, in Berlin: The focal points of the conference will be the quality and impact of non-school STEM initiatives as well as the structure of future-proof STEM education within the school ecosystem. Members of the Nationales MINT Forum will join decision makers on a Read More...