Press Releases & News

Notice | Education | 19 September 2017
Educational program Experimento begins in Bolivia
Discover, investigate, experience – Experimento, the international educational program from Siemens Stiftung is already being used in eight Latin American countries and is now available in Bolivia as of September 2017. The educational concept with a practical focus inspires enthusiasm for science through explorative learning and thereby supports the objectives of the Bolivian educational agenda. Read More...
Notice | Education | 04 September 2017
For good education with digital support: Forum Education Digitalisation is growing
Forum Education Digitalisation is growing. September 4 will see the addition of two new foundations to the group: The Dieter Schwarz Stiftung and the Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft will join a circle that currently consists of Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, the Bertelsmann Stiftung, the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Siemens Stiftung. All the partners and Read More...
Notice | Education | 10 August 2017
Two studies confirm effects of science CPD for early childhood professionals
Pedagogical staff at early childhood education and care centres have better knowledge and can impart it better when they have previously undergone continuing professional development (CPD) in science. The children also benefit, as their enjoyment of learning and their interest in science increase measurably. Moreover, the new research shows that science education offerings have a Read More...
Notice | Education, Social Entrepreneurship | 19 June 2017
Building bridges to cross divides – 10 ways to bring refugees and companies together
Why have just a relatively small amount of refugees been employed by German companies thus far? What can companies and refugees do to create long-term employment relationships? The publication “Building Bridges to Cross Divides – Connecting Refugees and Companies More Effectively” tackles precisely these questions. It was produced as part of the workshop “The Bridging Read More...
Notice | Education | 09 June 2017
Shaping STEM education together and without borders
Event report on: “Cooperation models for STEM education in the Pacific Alliance” How can we work with each other and learn from each other across borders? Which STEM education projects will we work on together? How can a cooperative commitment to education effectively be put into practice? These questions were among those discussed on the Read More...
Notice | Education | 31 May 2017
5th National STEM Summit – For national quality standards in STEM education
The 5th National STEM Summit will focus on how STEM education can be conducted in the long term, while maintaining a high level of quality. Dr. Nathalie von Siemens, the spokesperson of the Nationales MINT Forum, said: “For this effort to succeed, we need holistic, long-term support for STEM education and collaboration among relevant STEM Read More...
Notice | Arts & Culture | 24 May 2017
New offerings of the platform “Music In Africa”
“Music In Africa” brings together the creative potential of 54 African countries: More than 120 English- and French-speaking authors from the entire continent write here about Africa’s musical landscape. The website is primarily aimed at African musicians, concert organizers, fans and journalists – but also at interested individuals from all over of the world. A Read More...
Notice | Education | 19 May 2017
Foro Consultivo Internacional – Guidelines for promoting preschool STEM education in Mexico
High-quality education is a global prerequisite for development and participation in society. That is why Siemens Stiftung is actively committed to strengthening science and technology teaching with its international educational program Experimento.   Joint project with UNESCO Mexico and INNOVEC Given its commitment to education in South America, Siemens Stiftung supported the Foro Consultivo Internacional Read More...
Notice | Arts & Culture | 08 May 2017
“Music In Africa” concert by the South African band BCUC and panel discussion at the “Lange Nacht der Ideen” (Long Night of Ideas) 2017
May 12, 2017, Berlin, Spreewerkstätten/Alte Münze, Molkenmarkt 2, 9:30 p.m. On May 12, the “Lange Nacht der Ideen” will take place in Berlin, where the Federal Foreign Office and its intermediary and partner organizations will present their worldwide cultural and educational projects. Siemens Stiftung will present the music platform “Music In Africa” in the Spreewerkstätten. Read More...
Notice | Education | 26 April 2017
Eight fields of action for digital school development – Nationwide school network develops ways to exploit the opportunities of digitalization
Berlin, April 24, 2017. A network of schools from all over Germany is working out the relevant fields of action of a learning-oriented digital school culture in the workshop At the first meeting of the workshop, which the foundation initiative Forum Bildung Digitalisierung (Forum Education and Digitalisation) hosted in Fuldatal, Kassel on March 30 Read More...