Press Releases & News

Notice | Education | 22 March 2017
“STEM and Values” conference: Targeted increase value creation for kids in the classroom
• “STEM and Values – How Values Can Be Taught in Schools” conference under the patronage of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs on March 27 in Munich • Over 100 education researchers, teachers, politicians, and school representatives discuss new concepts and develop new practical approaches • Current survey: 85 Read More...
Notice | Education | 17 February 2017
Siemens Stiftung is a partner in the Wertebündnis Bayern (Values Alliance Bavaria)
Encouraging young people to ponder ethical issues, to discuss these with them, and to encourage them to be ethically active – those are the aims of the „Wertebündnis Bayern. Gemeinsam stark für Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene“ (Values Alliance Bavaria. Strength in unity for children, adolescents, and young adults). Initiated in 2010, the alliance – Read More...
Notice | Social Entrepreneurship | 18 January 2017
Inauguration : Connected Solar Clinic to enhance healthcare in refugee-populated Al-Mafraq, Jordan
The Connected Solar Clinic is the first structure of its kind, enabling a superior level of medical services in off-grid settings. On Wednesday, 18 January 2017, it was officially inaugurated by a representative of the Jordanian Ministry of Health in the Mafraq Governorate. This adds to the capacities of the Ministry of Health in the Read More...
Notice | Education | 09 December 2016
Workshop to support “Education in the Digital World” Strategy of the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs
Foundations have selected around 40 schools from all states for the workshop “” to enable them to pool their experience as pioneers of digital education which in turn can be harnessed for other schools.   The foundations in the Forum Bildung Digitalisierung (Education and Digitalization Forum) have selected 38 schools from across the whole of Read More...
Notice | Education | 07 December 2016
Mandela School celebrates first matriculants
“We want to prepare the youth of today to change the world of tomorrow” – is the goal set by the Mandela School of Science & Technology, which opened its doors in January 2014 as the first high school in the underresourced region of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. The focus has always been Read More...
Notice | General | 01 December 2016
“A Brimming Spirit. Werner von Siemens in Letters” – A Modern Entrepreneurial History
We live in brimming times: the explosion of knowledge and disruptive power of new technologies, a world growing closer together at ever-quickening pace, paradigm change. But all this would have already been familiar to Werner von Siemens in the 19th century. He took a close look at these developments and understood the opportunity and necessity Read More...
Notice | Social Entrepreneurship | 25 November 2016
Water project “Safe Water Enterprises” nominated for Kenyan innovation award
Siemens Stiftung was shortlisted with its “Safe Water Enterprises” project (SWE) as one of six organization engaged in the Kenyan WASH sector for the 2016 Maji Performance and Innovation Award (MaPIA).   The award recognizes exemplary performance and innovations geared towards increasing access, improving quality, and promoting conservation and governance in the water and sanitation Read More...
Notice | Education | 18 November 2016
Discovery-based learning in inclusive instruction – a hands-on proposition
How can teachers prepare science and technology topics in a realistic and exciting manner for inclusive classrooms? Siemens Stiftung and their cooperation partners offer an answer through the development and supply of exemplary inclusive experimentation units for the fifth through tenth grade. The materials are freely available as Open Educational Resources (OER) on the Siemens Read More...
Notice | Education | 09 November 2016
Conference on values development in STEM instruction
With the conference “STEM and Values – How Values Can Be Taught in Schools,” the Siemens Stiftung will underscore the need for STEM and values development, call for the issue to be added to the political agenda and intensify the application of the pedagogical/didactic practice. The Siemens Stiftung will hold the conference on March 27, Read More...
Notice | Social Entrepreneurship | 25 October 2016
Two Safe Water Enterprises officially handed over to community
The Safe Water Enterprises (SWE) of Siemens Stiftung and SkyJuice Foundation provide safe drinking water to people in remote areas in East Africa. They are implemented together with local partners and selected community groups, who run the kiosks as social enterprises within their communities. Ownership of the kiosk is transferred to them when the social Read More...