Press Releases & News

Notice | Social Entrepreneurship | 21 March 2016
Three new Safe Water Enterprises for better water and better jobs – World Water Day 2016
The Safe Water Enterprises (SWE) of Siemens Stiftung and SkyJuice Foundation provide safe drinking water to rural communities in East Africa. The water kiosks are implemented together with local partners and selected communities who ensure the successful integration into existing local structures. This month, three new Safe Water Enterprises were built in Kenya. The Safe Read More...
Notice | Education | 18 March 2016
First practical projects for “Service learning in STEM subjects”
At the 107th German Math and Natural Sciences Congress (MNU) scheduled for March 20-24 in Leipzig, the Siemens Stiftung and the Freudenberg Foundation will present Service Learning – Learning through Civic Engagement for use in teaching STEM subjects. Service learning combines the learning of a topic with social engagement by students. Since the beginning of Read More...
Notice | Arts & Culture | 14 March 2016
CHANGING PLACES / ESPACIOS REVELADOS cultural project from April 7–17, 2016, in Santiago de Chile
From April 7 to 17, the center of Santiago will become an experimental space for artists from Chile and around the world. Their works will turn empty buildings and public spaces into places of encounter and explore the social fractures that are particularly visible there. Changing Places / Espacios Revelados will open up new perspectives Read More...
Notice | Education | 10 March 2016
Put to the test: What makes a good language development method?
Demand for early childhood language development is huge and has sparked all sorts of approaches, projects and opinions. But something has been missing: a scientific review of the effectiveness of language-learning programs. To fill this gap, Siemens Stiftung helped the ZNL TransferCenter for Neurosciences and Learning at the University of Ulm conduct a study that Read More...
Social Entrepreneurship | 03 March 2016
The IRENE|SEE research network has completed its study on the role of social enterprises – the results are presented in a book
“Entrepreneurial Solutions for Social Challenges: Lessons from the International Research Network for Social and Economic Empowerment” This title applies to the results of a five-year research project conducted by the International Research Network on Social Economic Empowerment. IRENE I SEE was started in 2011 by the Siemens Stiftung and the Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen. The focus Read More...
Notice | Education | 01 March 2016
Siemens Stiftung presents award for open educational resources (OER) in STEM subjects at the 2016 OER Festival in Berlin
For the first time, awards were presented for outstanding concepts for free teaching and learning materials in German-speaking countries at the 2016 OER Festival #OERde16. As a partner to the festival, Siemens Stiftung sponsored the seventh out of the total of nine categories: “OER for STEM – teaching materials for STEM subjects in schools.” The Read More...
Notice | Education | 29 February 2016
ZukunftsLab #digitaleBildung: “Start listening to us properly at last!”
How do young people learn in the digital era? And what is important to them as part of digital education? Siemens Stiftung, Körber-Stiftung and the foundation “Little Scientists’ House” asked those very questions on behalf of the National STEM Forum. More than 50 youngsters from all over Germany responded at the youth conference “ZukunftsLab #digitaleBildung.” Read More...
General | 08 February 2016
Siemens Stiftung is to act as trustee for Familie Nowak-Stiftung. The foundation’s purpose is to provide development aid and support impoverished families.
Over the next ten years, the assets of around six million euros of the foundation Familie Nowak-Stiftung will be largely earmarked for projects of the Siemens Stiftung aimed at improving basic services in Africa and for selected projects as defined by the charter of Familie Nowak-Stiftung. While searching for a suitable trustee, the attention of Read More...
Notice | Social Entrepreneurship | 04 February 2016
“empowering people. Award 2015“– More than 800 innovators from 88 countries submit technical inventions with social impact for people in developing regions
The “empowering people. Award 2015”, launched last July, has attracted innovators and developers around the world. They entered products and solutions in the most relevant categories of basic supply designed to tackle challenges faced by those living in the poorest regions of the world. Alongside the 23 winning solutions, the most promising entries will be Read More...
Notice | Education | 29 January 2016
Siemens Stiftung examines the future of primary schooling in Germany during LEARNTEC 2016
"You cannot donate education. You have to acquire it yourself," Maria Schumm-Tschauder, the project manager of the media portal at Siemens Stiftung, noted during a discussion titled "Can Foundations Donate Education" that was held at LEARNTEC 2016 in Karlsruhe. Together with Dr. Ekkehard Winter, the Managing Director of the Deutsche Telekom Foundation, and Micha Pallesche, Read More...