Press Releases & News

Notice | Arts & Culture | 16 March 2015
On March 21, Music In Africa celebrates premiere in Germany – panel discussion and concert
The aim of the “Music In Africa” online platform is to enhance the popularity of African music throughout the world and promote international collaboration between artists. This event marks the first time that this joint initiative of the Goethe-Institut and the Siemens Stiftung has been presented in Germany.   The presentation on March 21 will Read More...
Notice | Arts & Culture | 12 March 2015
On March 21, Music In Africa celebrates premiere in Germany – panel discussion and concert
On March 21, 2015, the Goethe-Institut and Siemens Stiftung will be presenting the “Music In Africa” online platform, a joint initiative between the two organizations, for the very first time in Germany. The venue is the Muffathalle in Munich. This platform gives people around the world an opportunity to discover and appreciate the music being Read More...
Notice | Education | 02 March 2015
Service learning in STEM subjects: Combining classroom learning with civic engagement
Siemens Stiftung and the Freudenberg Foundation are launching a model project titled “Service learning in STEM subjects.” The project will collaborate with the education ministry in the state of Saxony-Anhalt and the region’s service learning network office, which is run by the Volunteering Agency Halle Saale district e.V. The partners aim to show how the Read More...
News | Education | 26 February 2015
Strengthening digital media skills for the future – panel discussion with Nathalie von Siemens at didacta 2015
A recent investigation published by German research institute forsa found that only 38 percent of the teachers surveyed frequently make use of digital media in their lessons. Not only that, but the teachers estimate preparing lessons using digital media involves just as much work as preparing traditional lessons. Why should that be? And, most importantly, Read More...
Notice | Arts & Culture | 25 February 2015
“Music In Africa” promotes knowledge exchange at Sauti za Busara Festival
Every year, the Sauti za Busara Festival in Zanzibar brings together thousands of African music lovers. This year again, from February 12-15, many artists from Africa and their fans gathered under the theme “Together as one”. There were a lot of amazing concerts as well as numerous opportunities to make new contacts and to discuss Read More...
News | Education | 13 February 2015
A look back, a look ahead and more: progress review workshop for Experimento multipliers in South Africa
How does an Experimento workshop in South Africa’s Gauteng Province differ from an Experimento workshop in Western Cape Province? What have the multipliers learned themselves in the course of sharing their knowledge with teachers at area schools? Do certain elements of the program content have a particular power to convince and motivate? The first Experimento Read More...
Notice | Social Entrepreneurship | 04 February 2015
Impact Hub launched in Africa
empowering people – entrepreneurial ideas for sustainable social change   The Impact Hub offers networks, infrastructure and space for entrepreneurs and social innovators to help them build and develop their start-ups and social enterprises. At the heart of all the initiatives stands the goal of creating a positive impact for society. Today, the worldwide network Read More...
Notice | Education | 26 January 2015
Ten years of Wissensfabrik: Ten years of commitment to education and entrepreneurship
The figures speak for themselves: Nine companies founded the “Knowledge Factory” platform (Wissensfabrik – Unternehmen für Deutschland e. V.) on January 26, 2005. Today, it comprises some 120 businesses and foundations, all working together for greater knowledge, greater skills and a greater future. Siemens Stiftung, established in 2008, immediately became a partner of the nonprofit Read More...
Notice | Education, Social Entrepreneurship | 26 January 2015
“Safe water, better health”: Hygiene training seminars in Kenya
January 25 saw a training seminar take place in Nairobi to educate elementary school teachers about the links between contaminated drinking water, poor hygiene and personal health. The aim is to enable teachers to explain the health impacts of drinking dirty water to their pupils. The seminar also taught hygiene practices that help to reduce Read More...