Press Releases & News

Press release | Arts & Culture | 22 March 2023
African Music Days Munich at Muffatwerk, May 24 and 25, 2023 – Music In Africa celebrates 10 years
Eight bands from eight African countries will be on the stages of the Muffatwerk Munich. From Afrobeat to futuristic punk to completely new sounds and African mysticism, everything is represented.
News | Education | 14 March 2023
Five years of Forum Education Digitalization
The Forum Education Digitalization celebrates its fifth anniversary on March 15 with a “Parliamentary Evening” under the motto "How do we design the digital education revolution in Germany to promote equal opportunities and participation?"
Notice | Education, Social Entrepreneurship | 09 March 2023
Inspiring change: Paving the way for gender equality through social entrepreneurship, music, and education
Siemens Stiftung’s initiatives have been a game changer for the women beneficiaries in Africa and Latin America through projects in clean energy, music, and education, thus promoting the Sustainable Development Goals on gender equality, climate action, quality education, reduced inequalities, and partnerships for the goals.
Press release | Social Entrepreneurship | 22 February 2023
Boosting accessibility to affordable renewable energy in Africa: Four African SMEs selected for SESA ‘Call for Entrepreneurs 2022’
Siemens Stiftung on behalf of the SESA consortium is excited to announce the selected enterprises of the “SESA Call for Entrepreneurs 2022”.
Notice | Education | 21 February 2023
Gender equality in science: Pathway to sustainable development
On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Managing Director and Spokesperson of the Board, Siemens Stiftung, Dr. Nina Smidt wrote a blog on sheconomy,
News | Education | 13 February 2023
“Teaching Spirit 2.0” promotes understanding of science in natural sciences teaching
Within the project "Teaching Spirit 2.0" teachers develop free teaching and learning materials based on the scientific results of the conference.
Notice | Arts & Culture | 13 February 2023
The city as an open learning space for art in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
The city as an open learning space for art in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Brazilian choreographer Eleonora Fabião develops performative urban walks with students and artists. The collectively designed actions in public space bring awareness about places, objects and people.
News | Education | 10 February 2023
Siemens Stiftung joins forces with F20 Foundation
Siemens Stiftung joins the Foundations Platform F20, a network of more than 80 foundations and philanthropic organizations from across the world. F20 calls for joint, transnational action towards sustainable development.
News | Education | 26 January 2023
Red STEM Latinoamérica commits to nurturing empathetic citizens to create sustainable and connected societies
Siemens Stiftung joined its Red STEM Latinoamérica partners at the network’s II Encounter and the IX International Congress of Educational Innovation in Monterrey, Mexico.
Notice | Education | 13 January 2023
Alliance for a transition in the education system: Second network meeting in Monterrey/Mexico
On January 16-19, 2023, our Red STEM Latinoamérica invites its members to a second regional meeting together with IFE, TEC de Monterrey and INNOVEC.