Press Releases & News

Press release | Education | 05 December 2022
Springboarding Nigerian youth to careers in digital economy with IT training and internships
Siemens Stiftung launches an innovative IT and soft-skills training project “BeMINT_Nigeria” for high-school students and recent school graduates in Lagos.
News | Social Entrepreneurship | 30 November 2022
Clean and green: Solar-powered safe drinking water kiosks for Lake Victoria residents 
EU funded Smart Energy Solutions for Africa and social enterprise WeTu launched the first water-energy hub in Western Kenya.
Press release | Education, Social Entrepreneurship | 03 November 2022
Bridging the learning gap through digital STEM education using social entrepreneurial solution
Siemens Stiftung and BLUETOWN launch the AccessSTEM project to enable access to high-quality open educational resources in semi-urban Ghana.
News | Arts & Culture | 27 October 2022
Strong program at the pan-African music conference ACCES
From November 24-26, the Music In Africa Conference For Collaborations, Exchange and Showcases will take place for the fifth time.
Press release | Social Entrepreneurship | 25 October 2022
Sustainable and affordable: Winners of Design Sprint pave the way for “Made in Ghana” e-mobility solutions
Eight young students emerged as the winners of the first Design Sprint organized by Impact Hub Accra in collaboration with Siemens Stiftung.
Notice | General | 13 October 2022
175 years of Siemens: Technological and social innovation for the benefit of people and societies
In her speech at the ceremony, Dr. Nathalie von Siemens, Deputy President of the Board of Trustees of the Siemens Stiftung. (Bericht auf Deutsch)
News | Education | 13 October 2022
Vocational orientation readies students for future skills in Ghana
At educataGhana international education exhibition, Rebecca Ottmann from Siemens Stiftung highlighted the importance of vocational education to prepare students and young adults in future skills.
News | Education | 12 October 2022
IDoS peers pledge to deepen cooperation on innovative early STEM education
The first-ever peer meeting of the International Dialogue on STEM Education convened in Berlin to strengthen the international network and promote innovative early learning in schools worldwide.
Notice | 10 October 2022
“Design Thinking Matters Now” d.confestival in Cape Town/South Africa
Dr. Nina Smidt and Christine Niewöhner from Siemens Stiftung, together with Claudia Nicolai and Sherif Osman from HPI School of Design Thinking, will join a session to announce the winners of the Global Design Thinking Challenge.
News | General | 07 October 2022
No sustainable social development without cooperation – our Managing Director Dr. Nina Smidt at the Foundation Day 2022
German foundations came together in Leipzig for this year’s German Foundation Day (28.09.2022-30.09.2022). Sustainability was the overarching theme of all the discussions with an emphasis on the role foundations can play to cultivate and promote it in their areas of work.