Press Releases & News

News | Education | 28 November 2023
Signing of the Santiago Declaration: Red STEM Latinoamérica sets pioneering goals for 2024
The third meeting of the Latin American education network Red STEM Latinoamérica took place in Santiago de Chile from November 21-23. Education stakeholders from across Latin America participated and developed a roadmap to drive educational innovation through quality STEM education to encourage responsible and resilient citizens.
News | Social Entrepreneurship | 21 November 2023
Call for R&D: Testing and piloting sustainable transport for social, socio-economic or ecological impact in Kenya
Together with the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), we are looking for three to five companies for a 12-month cooperation in the field of research and development in the e-mobility sector.
Press release | Education | 20 November 2023
Make@thon “Energized for the future”: School students receive prizes for their energy solutions
At the Make@thon "Energized for the Future", students developed creative solutions for the energy sector. At the award ceremony on November 17, 2023 at the STEAM Hub Siemensstadt Square in Berlin Spandau, 3 teams received a prize. (In German)
Notice | Education | 06 November 2023
PHINEO awards the impact our STEM + Climate projects
Through educational materials, training programs, and international networks, we promote climate change education that empowers young people to actively participate in shaping a sustainable future. The non-profit organization PHINEO has recognized the effectiveness of our efforts with an impact seal (“Wirkt-Siegel”).
Notice | Education | 23 October 2023
UNESCO Digital Learning Week 2023
Under the motto “Steering technology for education”, the DLW brought together over 1,000 participants from 45 countries to discuss the transformative power of digital platforms and generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of education. Siemens Stiftung representatives attended the event – here are a few of the insights we gained.
News | General | 20 October 2023
Klaus Grünfelder to leave the Siemens Stiftung effective March 31, 2024
Klaus Grünfelder, Managing Director / CFO of the Siemens Stiftung, will leave the Siemens Stiftung at his own request on March 31, 2024. He will continue to work in the sector and take on the role of Group CFO for the Hasso Plattner Family Office as well as the Hasso Plattner Foundation in Potsdam on April 1, 2024.
Notice | Social Entrepreneurship | 19 October 2023
Caring for our Planet: Climate change education and workforce development are vital to our future
Dr. Nina Smidt, CEO, Siemens Stiftung and David Etzwiler, CEO, Siemens Foundation share their shared vision of stimulating sustainable social development through their projects in education and green workforce development.
Notice | Education | 18 October 2023
Participate: STEM Make@thon “Energizing the Future”
Following the successful Make@thon "Sustainable Textiles" in June 2023, registration is now open for the next challenge: From 7-17 November 2023, students from the 9th grade upwards are once again invited to the Make@thon "Energizing the future" at the MINT Hub of the Siemens Stiftung in Siemensstadt Square.
Press release | Arts & Culture | 12 October 2023
Inviting Journalists to attend ACCES, one of Africa’s biggest Music Conferences in Tanzania, from November 9-11, 2023
Music In Africa Foundation and Siemens Stiftung invite journalists to attend the Music In Africa Conference for Collaborations, Exchange and Showcases (ACCES) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, from November 9-11, 2023. The conference has grown to become a trade show for African and international music industries offering a platform to exchange ideas, discover new talent and create business linkages.
News | Education | 06 October 2023
International Seminar on Climate Change Education
Managing Director and Spokesperson of the Board at Siemens Stiftung Dr. Nina Smidt and Senior Project Manager Badin Borde joined the Office for Climate Education’s (OCE) 2nd International seminar on climate change education in Paris and Villarceaux.