News | Development Cooperation | 1. March 2021

Applications open for Siemens Stiftung E-Mobility Innovation Call 2021: “Electric Mobility Made in Africa for Africa”

The E-Mobility Innovation Call 2021 is a jump start for African entrepreneurs with innovative e-mobility solutions and circular economy approaches.

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Siemens Stiftung is launching its first open, competitive E-Mobility Innovation Call “Electric Mobility Made in Africa for Africa,” which emphasizes innovative technical solutions and circular economy approaches. The pre-seed funding is intended to jump start visionary African entrepreneurs, start-ups, and social ventures that are developing innovative e-mobility solutions in manufacturing, exploring innovative business models and creating mobility services (such as apps or delivery services).

The foundation is seeking applications from entrepreneurs headquartered in Africa who are pursuing the uptake and mainstreaming of e-mobility in Africa – both companies that are already generating revenue and companies in the earliest stages of development are encouraged to apply. A high representation of female employees on staff is relevant.

The complete list of criteria and further information for applicants is available here:

Applications can be submitted until 30th April 2021.

A renowned jury, consisting of experts from venture capital firms, international organizations, and business intelligence, will select the most promising, catalytic, and bankable entrepreneurs and their innovations from African countries. These winners will receive prizes ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 Euros.  

Furthermore, Siemens Stiftung will support the winners in promoting their companies to a wider audience, reflecting the foundation’s commitment to inclusive, digital, and socio-economic growth of African entrepreneurs and social businesses in electric mobility and the circular economy.

To submit applications please follow the Link:

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