Press release | Education | 25. November 2020

Climate change education in Latin America: Siemens Stiftung’s multidisciplinary contribution toward sustainable development in science and technology education

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In the midst of rapidly advancing climate change, Siemens Stiftung’s work in Latin America focuses on developing and shaping teaching materials for climate change education.

Siemens Stiftung’s new brochure, “Climate change education in Latin America,” reflects the joint commitment of the foundation and its partner organizations and includes best-practice approaches in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). The publication is designed to encourage Latin American and international education stakeholders include climate change education in education agendas.

For over a decade, Siemens Stiftung has worked with partners in Latin America on strengthening STEM. In 2019, the foundation opened a regional office in Santiago de Chile and expanded its network of partners, which includes a close collaboration with UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Creating and distributing teaching content for climate change education is a complex part of STEM education that calls for cross-sector cooperation.

“Our goal is project-based, solution-oriented learning. That is the foundation of high-quality education, and we can only achieve this goal with our strong network of partners. The brochure highlights this approach while increasing visibility for the efforts and achievements of our Latin American partners,” says Dr. Nina Smidt, Managing Director and Board Spokesperson at Siemens Stiftung.

In addressing these challenges, Siemens Stiftung and its Latin American network use conceptual methods that break with traditional forms of classroom learning, such as Public Science or Design Thinking. Taking on the role of initiator, bridgebuilder, and co-campaigner, the project team supports these efforts in places such as Mexico, a country that has done pioneering work on anchoring climate change education in the curriculum. Siemens Stiftung also supports teachers in several countries during teacher training and by providing teaching materials. Collaborative and multidisciplinary education work that incorporates local community perspectives – especially for learning outside the classroom – is essential to ensure the necessary transfer of knowledge and to increase awareness for climate protection and unique natural habitats:

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