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Goodcast #53: „Water as a source of life“

© Goodcast / Viva Equality gemeinnützige UG

Clean water is a human right and a driving force for sustainable development. In a podcast with Julius Bertram, Dr. Nina Smidt explains how locally rooted social enterprises are making a crucial contribution to reducing the water supply deficit in Kenya.

Dr. Smidt reports on the challenges and solutions in the field of water supply in Kenya and introduces our project “Safe Water Enterprises” in Kenya, which aims to provide clean drinking water through water kiosks in local communities.

She explains the technological and social approaches of the project, which works with local social entrepreneurs and provides sustainable water solutions. The episode highlights the importance of clean drinking water for health and education and discusses the future prospects of Siemens Stiftung the field of basic services.

The podcast was published on May 22, 2024 in German under the title: “Wasser als Lebensspender”.

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