Press release I Development Cooperation I 9 March 2022

Kick-starting local production of electric cargo bikes in Ghana

Electric cargo bikes produced in Accra and Tamale anchor climate-friendly mobility solutions in the region and create sustainable jobs and training opportunities.
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Impact Hub Accra and Siemens Stiftung launched the project Electric Cargo Bikes “Made in Ghana”, which is funded by the International Climate Initiative. Besides systematically embedding climate-friendly mobility solutions in the region, “Made in Ghana” is also creating green jobs and training placements. The first two workshops in Accra and Tamale will start operations in March.

Electric mobility solutions have a great potential to reduce CO2 emissions in Ghana, however, high initial costs, the shortage of charging stations and access to investments for start-ups are setting barriers to their implementation. With Electric Cargo Bikes “Made in Ghana”, Impact Hub Accra and Siemens Stiftung are building a sustainable and local value chain for the production, operation, and maintenance of electric cargo bikes in collaboration with local and national stakeholders. The business model focuses on small entrepreneurs in the delivery sector and aims to strengthen the acceptance of climate-friendly mobility solutions especially among lower-income groups. 

Dr. Nina Smidt, Managing Director and Spokesperson of the Board of Siemens Stiftung, explains: “The project is based on a social entrepreneurship business model that makes clean mobility accessible to lower income communities. Because it is designed as a financially sustainable structure, it has the potential to create a positive impact on Ghana’s society for the long-term, including job creation particularly for women, who will have secured equal access to all training positions on offer.” 

The workshops in Accra and Tamale will start operations in March 2022 and begin with the assembling of electric cargo bikes and the technical testing of different bike types within the specific geographic conditions in the operational area. In addition, a network of five photovoltaic charging stations will be installed to establish a charging infrastructure within the operating regions.  

“As implementing partners in Ghana, we are looking at paving the way for more electric mobility solutions with this project. Our approach is to test and build sustainable business models and to create an advocacy platform together with other stakeholders to consistently promote climate-friendly solutions in the region”, says Will Senyo, Chief Executive Officer of Impact Hub Accra.

As part of the International Climate Initiative, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz) is funding the project within the medium grant program with about 400 000 Euros. In this scheme, the Federal Ministry specifically supports smaller civil society actors in the field of climate and biodiversity protection based in Germany who cooperate with local partners in developing and emerging countries.

Impact Hub Accra, Ghana

Impact Hub Accra is a leading innovation catalyst and venture support organization in Ghana. Over the last eight years, their work has evolved into building the Osu Ako Adjei area as the city’s innovation district and the nerve center for Accra’s entrepreneurs and bold thinkers. In this regard, Impact Hub Accra is leading circular economy innovations in the country with the project Electric Cargo Bikes “Made in Ghana” being a facelift to drive our previous works and build on lasting partnerships to do more for the ecosystem. Impact Hub Accra is locally rooted, globally connected and inclusive home for all innovators.

International Climate Initiative

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) is the most important instrument utilized by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) to support international climate action and biodiversity. With the IKI, the BMUV supports solution strategies in developing and emerging countries that seek to achieve sustainable change. Support is targeted precisely to the areas where needs and aspirations are the highest. IKI assists its partner countries to implement the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that lie at the heart of the Paris Agreement and to take an ambitious approach to their future development.

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