Press release | Social Entrepreneurship | 25. April 2016

Marek Wallenfels becomes the new managing director of SolarFountain

Marek Wallenfels became managing director of SolarFountain gGmbH in April and assumed responsibility for the continued development of the charitable organization established by Siemens Stiftung and Solarkiosk AG. Acting as interim managing director, Christine Janezic led the conception and setup phase of SolarFountain. She will now be able to devote more time to overseeing Social Ventures at Siemens Stiftung. Marek Wallenfels was previously the Secretary General general secretary of the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) and has successfully set up several initiatives in the past.
The mission of SolarFountain gGmbH is to provide access to clean drinking water and solar energy to people who live in remote regions of Africa. Solar-powered kiosks equipped with water filtration systems are the focal point of its activities. These kiosks will be operated by local small companies on the basis of a social franchise model. In the process, secure jobs will be created in rural regions. Such work as installation, maintenance and delivery will be performed by a central office. SolarFountain gGmbH in Berlin will oversee business activities on site and handle the partner management and financing. As of today further information can be found on
SolarFountain gGmbH is a new player in the sphere of development collaboration. It combines a proven product with a local and sustainable financial approach. The initial investments in the planned supply system will be provided by donations. The systems will be operated in a cost-covering manner by local independent entrepreneurs. The first SolarFountain kiosks will be opened at the end of the year at sites that are still being determined. Other SolarFountain kiosks and activities will be carried out in collaboration with other partners.
About SolarFountain gGmbH and its founders
Siemens Stiftung and Solarkiosk AG are committed to providing more people in remote areas of Africa with long-term access to secure drinking water and green power. SolarFountain gGmbH was established in the summer of 2015. It bundles the expertise, experience and efforts of both organizations in the area of basic services in Africa.
With the help of other partners and supporters, an innovative, comprehensive and sustainable supply structure is to be created. This structure will be designed to markedly improve quality of life in African communities and give local entrepreneurs an opportunity to conduct business by employing a social franchise model.

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Project SolarFountain gGmbH

Project Solarkiosk

Project SolarFountain gGmbH