Press release | Culture | 25. February 2021

Music In Africa Live: Digital expertise for the African music sector

Musicians are provided with digital skills to produce performances virtually for a wide online audience.
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“Music In Africa Live” provides African musicians with digital expertise for producing live online concerts during the COVID-19 pandemic and for adapting to a rapidly-changing music sector. The project was launched by the Music In Africa Foundation with support from the German Federal Foreign Office, Goethe-Institut, and Siemens Stiftung.

The music industry faces serious challenges due to restrictions on public life implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Live performances – once the main source of income for many musicians – are not possible for the time being. “Music In Africa Live” provides financial support for producing concerts for an online audience and creates video tutorials for digital skills.

From August 2020 to February 2021, the project supported African production companies and artists in developing and promoting virtual concerts. Seventeen concert videos produced for the Music In Africa Facebook page have been viewed 500,000 times so far.

The concert videos can be viewed for free:

In addition, the project financed continuing education opportunities that teach digital skills for creating online music projects. These free video tutorials, which were posted to the Music In Africa YouTube channel in February 2021, address topics such as copyright and royalties, broadcasting, and recording techniques for traditional instruments.

The tutorials are available here:

“The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the music industry on its head. By exploring new opportunities and developing digital strategies, the ‘Music In Africa Live’ project supports musicians in adjusting to these dramatic changes,” said Dr. Nina Smidt, Managing Director and Board Spokesperson at Siemens Stiftung.

About the Music In Africa Foundation

Music In Africa is the African music sector’s leading platform for information and exchange with more than 27,000 online profiles of creative artists, current news from the music sector, and in-depth articles written by African authors about music on the African continent. Music In Africa aims to support those active in the African music sector through knowledge exchange and opportunities for collaboration.  In addition to the online platform, this includes training opportunities, workshops, conferences, and concerts.

Together with Goethe-Institut, Siemens Stiftung set the founding impulse for Music In Africa, helped set up the Music In Africa Foundation as the supporting organization, and has provided the project with financial, strategic, and organizational assistance since 2011.

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