New Report: Unlocking Kenya’s E-Mobility Potential

Many companies in the sector report increased revenue.
© Siemens Stiftung
What’s the pulse of the growing electric mobility sector in Kenya? Which obstacles are impact entrepreneurs facing and what recommendations do they have for stakeholders? On November 14, the German agency for international cooperation GIZ GmbH and Siemens Stiftung will publish a new report: “Unlocking the Growth Potential of Kenya’s E-Mobility Sector”.
The report published in the framework of the “Piloting and Prepare to Scale E-Mobility in Kenya” project will highlight Kenya’s track to become a leader in sustainable transportation. The sector generates impact, particularly in the two-wheeler or “boda boda” sector, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality, but also creating jobs and perspectives for youth.
Key levers include government policies such as tax exemptions for electric vehicles, the expansion of charging infrastructure and strategic investments. Despite challenges such as reliance on imported components, regulatory barriers and high operating costs, many companies in the sector report increased revenue and forecast continued growth.
The report offers recommendations on regulatory reform, local manufacturing, financing and training to unlock further growth potential in the sector.

Our focus on e-mobility

E-Mobility “Made in Africa for Africa”
In partnership with social enterprises, local authorities, and international organizations, we promote the development of sustainable solutions and business models in the field of e-mobility in sub-Saharan Africa. Learn more about our approach and other projects.

Piloting and Prepare to Scale E-Mobility in Kenya
As part of the German Climate Technology Initiative (DKTI), we are supporting the development of local e-mobility solutions in Kenya as part of our project “Piloting and Prepare to Scale E-Mobility in Kenya” together with GIZ.