News | Social Entrepreneurship | 20. March 2015

New Safe Water Enterprise with first records in drinking water provision – World Water Day 2015

The Safe Water Enterprises of Siemens Stiftung and SkyJuice Foundation provide clean drinking water to rural communities in East Africa. The latest kiosk was completed on 20th February in Korumba, Kisumu County, Western Kenya. It is the third kiosk built in cooperation with SOS Children Villages now providing safe drinking water to communities, families and school children in the region. The kiosk, which is run by a local community group, is open for 10 hours a day and is well on its way to becoming a successful small social enterprise with sales having already more than doubled in just the first two weeks from 7’560 litres to over 16’000 litres per week.


The aim of the Safe Water Enterprises is to provide safe drinking water to communities and thereby improve the health situation in the region. At the same time, they enable trained kiosk managers to make an income and further incite entrepreneurial activities in the area. To reach the greatest possible impact, Siemens Stiftung also offers health and hygiene trainings as well as entrepreneurship trainings around the Safe Water Enterprises.
Tackling such a nexus of topics around water is crucial in all efforts to contribute to improved basic services in developing regions. It is also at the focus of this year’s World Water Day (22nd March 2015) with the motto “Water and Sustainable Development”. World Water Day 2015 raises awareness about water-related issues worldwide and emphasizes the inter-linkages between water and other areas relevant to ensure sustainable development, such as health, nature, urbanization or equality for example.

Related links

UN-Water: World Water Day 2015