News | Education | 20. May 2022

Together for STEM: Teacher network Red de Maestros Latinoamérica launches

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A new network joins the Red STEM Latinoamérica cooperative which promotes STEM education in Latin America. The Red de Maestros Latinoamérica was created by and for teachers to encourage experience sharing and dialogue on educational innovation. It also aims to help teachers work together to find solutions to common problems and challenges.

Through Red de Maestros, teachers will receive offers on activities related to STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), such as seminars, conferences, webinars, and trainings implemented by the Red STEM Latinoamérica (STEM network Latin America).  They also have access to the latest content on CREA (Centro de Recursos Educativos Abiertos), that offers teaching materials as Open Educational Resources (OER), which are or can be adapted to the reality and educational needs of the region.

The articles in the monthly newsletter and on the network’s website explore the versatile aspects and topics of STEM, educational methods and the OER movement. The Red de Maestros also focuses on building education communities by and for teachers.

Coordinated by Siemens Stiftung’s Regional Office in Chile, the content of the teacher network is developed by an editorial team that includes renowned organizations from the region, representing the collaborative work of the Red STEM Latinoamérica for educational innovation.

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