Press release | General | 8. February 2016

Siemens Stiftung is to act as trustee for Familie Nowak-Stiftung. The foundation’s purpose is to provide development aid and support impoverished families.

Over the next ten years, the assets of around six million euros of the foundation Familie Nowak-Stiftung will be largely earmarked for projects of the Siemens Stiftung aimed at improving basic services in Africa and for selected projects as defined by the charter of Familie Nowak-Stiftung.
While searching for a suitable trustee, the attention of representatives of Familie Nowak-Stiftung was captured by the operational project work of Siemens Stiftung. Its approach of improving the basic services for people in Africa by means of simple and effective technical solutions and continuing education activities was consistent with the foundation’s purpose laid out in its charter and it impressed with the impact it has achieved so far. In particular, improving the supply of drinking water in Africa was a concern very dear to the heart of the married couple Heinz and Eleonore Nowak, who established their foundation as a trust without legal capacity.