News | Social Entrepreneurship | 9. June 2016

Siemens Stiftung joined the Practical Impact Alliance of the D-Lab at the MIT

Harvesting the power of collaborative learning of leading players around the globe to increase and sustain the impact on global poverty – this is the aim of the “Practical Impact Alliance” (PIA) program at MIT D-Lab, an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Boston) that promotes development through discovery, design and dissemination. Headed by Amy Smith, founder and co-director of D-Lab and jury member of the “empowering people. Award 2015”,  PIA provides an exciting collaboration opportunity for the entire “empowering people. Network”.

epN members and parts of the team will participate in mixed Learning Working Groups on prevalent topics such as Measuring Impact Learning, From Pilots to Scale, Participatory Design & Innovation and Inclusive Recycling. In regular meetings and shared insights, PIA will create working tools and develop best-practices subsequently making them available to the community worldwide. A Co-Creation Workshop in Sambia coming November will be the interactive highlight of the program.

Related links

Website empowering people. Network

Interview with Carola Schwank on MIT-Website

Website MIT Practical Impact Alliance

Website MIT Practical Impact Alliance