News | General | 2. June 2021

Siemens Stiftung’s first podcast: Courage & Innovation

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Our “Courage & Innovation” podcast is about innovations for sustainable development that are inspired and inspiring. It highlights topical and socially-relevant issues that drive the work of our foundation.

In 15-minute conversations with Dr. Nina Smidt, Managing Director and Board Spokesperson at Siemens Stiftung, experts share uplifting insights into current projects, up-and-coming developments, or new issues that are becoming relevant for society. The podcast reflects key role of international collaboration with partners in our hands-on work.

Listeners are invited to take a deep dive into our unique mix of education, development cooperation, and cultural engagement with glimpses into the inner-workings of the foundation. The podcast also explores why bold innovation and steady cooperation are needed to create sustainable solutions for the challenges we face. 

The first episode, “Climate change education: strengthening societal resilience,” features Dr. Claudia Uribe, director of the UNESCO regional office for education in Latin America and the Caribbean. She discusses the inherent opportunities that derive from climate change education when it is embedded in education systems and joins Dr. Nina Smidt in outlining examples of how societal resilience can be strengthened through climate change education.

You can listen to the podcast on your favorite streaming service or by following this link:

In the coming weeks, more conversations featuring fascinating guests from a range of professional backgrounds and corners of the globe will follow