News | Education | 9. February 2021

Visions for German society in 2030

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STEM education 2030: the foundation for social progress

On 10 February, Campus is releasing its latest work of non-fiction, “Zukunftsrepublik – 80 Vorausdenker*innen springen in das Jahr 2030” (Future republic – 80 visionaries jump ahead to the year 2030). The publishers – Marie-Christine Ostermann, Celine Flores Willers, Miriam Wohlfarth, Daniel Krauss, Andreas Rickert, and Hauke Schwiezer – gathered an additional 74 authors to share the versions of work, education, society, health, politics, and economics they envision for Germany in 2030.

Dr. Nina Smidt, Managing Director and Board Spokesperson at Siemens Stiftung, contributes an essay to the book called “MINT-Bildung 2030: Fundament des gesellschaftlichen Fortschritts” (STEM education 2030: the foundation of societal progress). She addresses how to achieve the transition to hybrid classrooms in addition to the potential for resilience, wellbeing, and security that is inherent in value-oriented STEM education.

Looking ahead to 2030, one important building block is a collaboration among students, families, civic organizations, and economic partners on designing and developing curricula. By 2030, teachers will be pursuing certification in value-oriented knowledge transfer, and support for learning locations outside of school will be a given. Problems will no longer be solved by strict adherence to the book but by taking a reasoned and responsible approach: An inquisitive attitude, critical thinking and observation, reflection, and the acquisition of knowledge – autonomously or with help from teachers – help place singular events in a broader context.