News | Education| 13 Oktober 2022

Vocational orientation readies students for future skills in Ghana

Opening of educataGhana by educational actors from politics and business
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Rebecca Ottmann delivered a keynote on the importance of vocational education.
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Daniel Krull and Rebecca Ottman at Siemens Stiftung booth at educataGhana.
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Visitors at the Siemens Stiftung booth.
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educataGhana is Ghana’s international education exhibition – offering an exciting platform for the education sector and businesses to come together to promote sustainable collaboration. With 40 exhibitors on education joined this year’s event from 12.10 – 13.10.2022 in Accra. Siemens Stiftung and Experimento Ghana LBG have been participating in this event since the very beginning to promote their joint education programExperimentowhich supports vocational and STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education training for school teachers and students.   

Rebecca Ottmann, Senior Project Manager, Siemens Stiftung, delivered a keynote at the event, highlighting the importance of vocational education to prepare students and young adults for future skills. “The vocational orientation focus of the Experimento education program enables young people to deepen their STEM knowledge and learn how they can use them to find a job in Ghana’s industrial sector or agriculture. Through workshops, teachers learn about the range of STEM careers and then prepare youth in the classroom for new sustainable career paths, such as those that involve developing renewable energy, pursuing sustainable agriculture, or using technologies that reduce dependence on non-renewable resources and promote sustainability,” she explained. 

She was joined by the German Ambassador to Ghana, H.E. Daniel Krull on the stage. Siemens Stiftung is supported by the German Embassy in Ghana and GIZ Ghana to promote vocational orientation in the country. 

Ivy Boatemaa from Experimento Ghana said: “At educataGhana key stakeholders related to the country’s education sector find a common address to discuss and find partnership opportunities to further education and training. We want to use this platform to draw attention to the value practical and inquiry-based knowledge from real-life experience brings for permanently shaping societies.”  

Siemens Stiftung introduced the vocational orientation within Experimento in 2016 and currently the program is disseminated in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. Through this program, teachers have access to a wealth of teaching and learning resources for STEM lessons. With more than 130 experiments adapted to the African national curricula and teaching method guidance on energy, health, and environment. The collaboration with local educational institutions has facilitated a robust international exchange for educators and learners alike.

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