
Experimento in Colombia
Science & Technology Education | Education | Latin America
Experimento in Colombia
Learning by asking questions: Why is it like this and not like that? Siemens Stiftung aims to arouse interest in scientific and technical phenomena among Colombian pupils, enhance their STEM knowledge and give them new perspectives in life throughout the educational chain.
2017 | Uli Reinhardt/Zeitenspiegel | Siemens Stiftung
School experiment in Valle de Tenjo, Colombia
Science & Technology Education | Education | Latin America
School experiment in Valle de Tenjo, Colombia
Carrying out experiments together, discussing them in the group, understanding others and including everyone in the dialog – that helps overcome conflicts and promote harmony.
2017 | Uli Reinhardt / Zeitenspiegel | Siemens Stiftung
Experiments at the Rayen Lafquen school in Chile
Science & Technology Education | Education | Latin America
Experiments at the Rayen Lafquen school in Chile
A sound STEM education is growing in importance in Chile. Siemens Stiftung aims to make children and youngsters more interested in scientific and technical interrelationships with its international educational program Experimento.
2017 | Uli Reinhardt/Zeitenspiegel | Siemens Stiftung
An electricity experiment in a kindergarten
Science & Technology Education | Education | Latin America
An electricity experiment in a kindergarten
Getting to the bottom of something! Siemens Stiftung promotes inquisitive, discovery-based learning in children. That gives girls and boys in Chile the chance to develop their own talents and potential in STEM subjects.
2017 | Uli Reinhardt/Zeitenspiegel | Siemens Stiftung
Children in Santiago discovering the Experimento box
Science & Technology Education | Education | Latin America
Children in Santiago discovering the Experimento box
Experimento is used throughout the educational chain and has been adapted to local teaching and learning needs. The adapted version takes into account key issues for Chile, such as sustainability, and integrates the knowledge of indigenous cultures.
2017 | Uli Reinhardt/Zeitenspiegel | Siemens Stiftung
Members Forum Education Digitalisation
Science & Technology Education | Education | Europe
Members Forum Education Digitalisation
FLTR: Uta-Micaela Dürig, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Olaf Köster-Ehling, Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft, Dr. Ekkehard Winter, Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, Dr. Jörg Dräger, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Dr. Nathalie von Siemens, Siemens Stiftung, Prof. Reinhold R. Geilsdörfer, Dieter Schwarz Stiftung
2017 | Phil Dera | Forum Bildung Digitalisierung
Effects of science professional development
Science & Technology Education | Education | Europe
Effects of science professional development
Professional development in science of early childhood professionals improve both the enjoyment and the language abilities of children as shown by the results of both studies EASI-Science and EASI-Science-L.
2017 | Christoph Wehrer / Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher
The new Music In Africa portal
Music | Arts & Culture | Africa
The new Music In Africa portal
On May 25, 2017, the new web version of “Music In Africa” has been launched. It is aimed at African musicians, concert organizers, fans and journalists – but also at interested individuals from all over the world.
2017 | Music In Africa Foundation
Music In Africa Promo Banner
Music | Arts & Culture | Africa
Music In Africa Promo Banner
With the new music player and music being synced, “Music In Africa” is the most comprehensive portal of discovery for African music.
2017 | Music In Africa Foundation
New mobile version of Music In Africa
Music | Arts & Culture | Africa
New mobile version of Music In Africa
The “Music In Africa” portal now offers brand new opportunities to discover music from across Africa– with mobile live streaming being only one of them.
2017 | Music In Africa Foundation