Press Releases & News

News | Social Entrepreneurship | 05 September 2024
#15Voices #Vision: Accelerating female health
“Health, hygiene and development are things that go together.” - Sareen Malik from Cewas is committed to social entrepreneurial solutions for menstrual hygiene in order to promote empowerment and social development. Find out more in our video series “15 Voices - 1 Vision”!
News | Social Entrepreneurship | 03 September 2024
#15Voices #Vision: Joining forces for green mobility
“Kenya has great resources to actually fuel the electric mobility sector.” - Hanna Salian of GIZ Kenya introduces Kenya’s innovative e-mobility sector and emphasizes the importance of public-private-philanthropic partnerships. Find out more in our video series ‘15 Voices - 1 Vision’!
Notice | Education | 26 August 2024
#15Voices #1Vision: Young innovators shape the future
“Make@thons enable students to solve more complex problems, acquire problem-solving skills, and think creatively”. Our next voice of the "15 Voices – 1 Vision" video series, Prof. Dr. Marco Beeken explains how students develop innovative solutions to address pressing issues in the annual Make@thons.
Notice | 21 August 2024
#15Voices #1Vision: Boosting last mile logistics
"We’re looking at an entire ecosystem, improving livelihoods for all stakeholders involved,” - as part of the video series ‘15 Voices - 1 Vision’, Celeste Tchetgen Vogel from eWAKA talks about environmentally friendly solutions to the challenges of last-mile logistics in Africa that benefit all stakeholders.
Notice | 24 July 2024
#15Voices #1Vision: Climate action at schools
"Education is the most effective tool to create resilient, critical, responsible societies." – Claudia Robles of INNOVEC Mexico explains in the video series “15 Voices - 1 Vision” how climate change education empowers schools as changemakers, emphasizing the role of regional and global networks.
Notice | 22 July 2024
Turbocharging sustainable development through multi-sector and multilateral partnerships
As a part of the German delegation to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development at UN Headquarters, our CEO Dr. Nina Smidt reflects on the crucial role of multilateral collective action in boosting the acceleration of Sustainable Development Goals.
Notice | 18 July 2024
#15Voices #1Vision: Art as a space for change
Miguel Braceli, Artist and Founder of LA ESCUELA___, emphasizes: "We address and approach art as a space for change, as a transformative space and as a space for learning." Find out more in our video series “15 Voices - 1 Vision”!
News | 13 July 2024
World Youth Skills Day: Empowering Africa’s Youth
African youth are at a critical juncture, facing both educational opportunities and the need for systemic transformation. Siemens Stiftung is addressing this by implementing holistic projects that combine STEM education, social entrepreneurship, and youth empowerment to foster 21st-century skills and enable active participation in shaping Africa's sustainable future.
News | 11 July 2024
#15Voices #1Vision: Bridging the digital divide
“Preparing the future generation for a successful life in a digital world is the most sustainable goal.” – In our video series “15 Voices – 1 Vision”, Ralph Müller-Eiselt, CEO of Forum Education Digitalization, emphasizes that setting the right course in the area of digitalization offers enormous opportunities for greater inclusion and participation.
Notice | 08 July 2024
#15Voices #1Vision: Skills for the 21st century
"STEM skills are crucial to mastering social challenges." –­ Olivia Serwaa Opare, Director of STEM Education at Ghana Education Service, shares in the video series "15 Voices - 1 Vision" how new methods in STEM lessons are strengthening critical 21st century skills.