
Various publications accompany our commitment and provide information about our work. Brochures, flyers, reports, studies and other publications can be downloaded here free of charge.

Report | Sep, 2013
Siemens Stiftung – Annual Report 2012/2013
Articles, interviews, and statistics give insights into the project work of Siemens Stiftung in Germany, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. The empowering people. Award ceremony in Nairobi stands out as the main event.
Report | Sep, 2012
Siemens Stiftung – Annual Report 2011/2012
Why is cooperation vital to effective projects conducted by foundations? The annual report looks at the importance of collaboration and includes comments by experts in the field as well as the views of the Siemens Stiftung’s partners.
Report | Sep, 2011
Siemens Stiftung – Annual Report 2010/2011
In the third fiscal year of Siemens Stiftung the establishment of network-based partnerships, a renewed and reinvigorated commitment to social entrepreneurship, and educational initiatives in Africa, Latin America, and Europe. Read more about in the annual report 2011.
Report | Sep, 2010
Siemens Stiftung – Annual Report 2009/2010
The Siemens Stiftung experienced a dynamic second fiscal year. The annual report informs about the further definition of the foundation’s work and the strengthing of the organization.
Report | Sep, 2009
Siemens Stiftung – Annual Report 2009
The foundation commenced its operations on January 1, 2009. The annual report informs about the diverse projects undertaken by the foundation as well as its goals and strategies for the future.