Coaching & Experts
Individual support for network members

Our Workshops & Training provide empowering people. Network members with practical knowledge for taking the next steps in their organizations. However, in working closely with social entrepreneurs in our network, we see that sometimes the Workshops & Trainings aren’t enough to solve certain individual challenges. This is where additional resources within the network come into play: business coaching and support from subject experts for individual organizations.
Help from the pros: empowering people. Expert Service
With the empowering people. Expert Service, social enterprises in the network can apply for temporary assistance from specialists. Working with the platform MovingWorlds, Siemens Stiftung conducts a world-wide search for volunteer experts and coordinates the consulting sessions together with the social entrepreneur. In the end, both sides benefit: the expert gains new experience, and the business benefits from valuable support in expanding their operations.

»The hardest thing is to challenge your personal perceptions.«
Analyzing strengths and weaknesses: The Self-Assessment Manual for Social Entrepreneurs
The publicly-available online tool SAMforSE (Self-Assessment Manual for Social Entrepreneurs) allows businesses to conduct their own analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. The tool also provides tips for personal development. The focus is on topics that are particularly relevant for social entrepreneurs in developing regions. Based on the results, individual coaching sessions are offered to support the businesses in further developing their strengths and mastering challenges.
David Hoffmann
+49 89 540487 323
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Background material
epExpert Brian Finnerty spent four months with the Alternative Indigenous Development Foundation (AIDFI) in the Philippines volunteering his skills to develop a computer-based management system.
During her stay in Peru, Bianca Finkel supported the social enterprise Café Compadre in communication and marketing as an epExpert. Bianca’s mission is part of empowering people. Expert Service.