Experimento in Brazil
Inquisitively discovering the world

Experimento is Siemens Stiftung’s international STEM education program. It is based on the principle of inquiry-based learning, in which students actively shape their individual learning processes. The focus is on independent experimentation, research and understanding of phenomena in the subject areas of energy, environment and health.
Overview of Experimento in Brazil
- Experimento implemented in 2015
- Deployment in Brazil began in São Paulo before spreading to many other parts of the country
- Program executed by Siemens Fundação Brazil
- Integrated into teacher certification and continuing education at Universidade Metodista de São Paulo in 14 locations across the country
- Teacher training conducted through a wide network of partners
- Implemented mostly in primary schools
- Focus on public schools
- Advanced training for around 2,390 educators across the country so far
- Around 160,100* children reached in 14 states
* The number assumes that every instructed kindergarten or elementary school teacher shares the knowledge 5 times with one group or class, and a subject teacher shares it 5 times with two classes.
Country-specific developments
- Curriculum adapted for primary schools
Siemens Fundação Brazil adapted Experimento as a teacher training program in the country. This began with the age group 4+ using the proven multiplier principle. Later, teachers at Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro and Universida de Metodista de São Paulo received Experimento training. These educators then pass on the new knowledge to other schools in the area. Experimento | 8+ is also set to be introduced in Brazil in the future. Due to the wide geographic distribution of the project’s two main partners, the education program can quickly spread to the country’s public schools.
National program coordination

Training centers
National supporters and multipliers
Regional partners
Instituto Qualidade no Ensino / IQE, Escola de Inventor, the Atina education institute, Instituto Sabin, the community of Juquitiba in the southeast and Guaratinguetá in the eastern part of São Paulo state.
Would you like to join us in expanding Experimento in Brazil? Write an email to Bianca Bozon Moreira Talassi.
Head of Siemens Stiftung Regional Office
Ulrike Wahl
+56 9 61 76 70 41
Program coordination Siemens Fundação Brazil
Bianca Bozon Moreira Talassi
+55 21 35 03 91 81