Experimento in Kenya
Collaborative discovery is a real chance

Experimento is Siemens Stiftung’s international STEM education program. It is based on the principle of inquiry-based learning, in which students actively shape their individual learning processes. The focus is on independent experimentation, research and understanding of phenomena in the subject areas of energy, environment and health.
Inquiry-based learning in STEM education
Coordinated by the NGO Impacting Youth Trust and in collaboration with state education authorities, Experimento has been used in STEM classes in Kenya since 2014. The inquiry-based learning method is directly linked to the agenda of the Kenyan Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and the new Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). In addition to the 4 Cs (Communication & Collaboration, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Creativity & Imagination, Citizenship), the focus is on connecting the curriculum content to the professional world.

Training for teachers in Kenya. © Siemens Stiftung
Our offer in Kenya
Teaching and learning materials as well as didactic instructions for STEM lessons
In our media portal you will find numerous high-quality teaching and learning materials on STEM lessons for primary and secondary schools as well as didactic instructions.
Digital modules for career orientation in STEM fields
One focus of Experimento in Kenya is vocational orientation. Exciting experiments on renewable energies, computational thinking, and electronics provide students with valuable STEM knowledge and at the same time gives them an idea of various career opportunities.
Training and continuing education for educators
We place particular emphasis on the practice-oriented training of educators. Workshops teach the practice-oriented method of inquiry-based learning and enable teachers to try out all the experiments and develop them further for their teaching. Special web-based trainings complete the offer.
Experimento’s main deployment site is currently Nairobi county, where around 300 educators have been trained in the use of the program so far.

»Classes with 100 students are not uncommon in Kenya. Collaborative discovery is a real chance to reach them all.«
Nyokabi Njuguna,
Founder Impacting Youth Trust
Focus on students
In 2017, we asked around 100 school directors and teachers about their experiences with Experimento in the classroom. Both groups responded that the biggest benefit of Experimento is its focus on the students. The realistic experiments bring together theoretical and practical knowledge, which improves the students’ ability to observe and learn. Performance in science subjects has seen a significant increase. Experimento improves teamwork, even when the large number of students per class represents a challenge. Teachers also appreciate the built-in preference for using locally-available materials to supplement lessons. Even the Kenyan Ministry of Education has praised Experimento, recommending that the program be implemented in other parts of the country.
What has changed in STEM lessons as a result of Experimento?
Impressions of five teachers.
»I attended an Experimento workshop. And from there science took a new direction. Now all the children just love science. With the new CBC they have got a direction for the future.«
Octovin Auma Odongo
Langata West Primary School, Nairobi County

»Through inquiry-based learning people are questioning a lot about their environment; they are more aware about their environment and also taking measures to ensure keeping the environment a safe place.«
Pamela Ochieng
Kabete Vet-Lab Primary School, Nairobi County

»Everything that you see is Science. And if we can only help the learners to open up that small curiosity that is in them and we widen it, I am telling you that those learners can go to limits that we never thought. But: You as a STEM teacher have a responsibility to probe that curiosity.«
George Gichamba
John Njoroge Secondary School, Nairobi County

»Through the Experimento training, the teachers have been able to achieve the competencies they need to reach the Competence Based Curriculum. The learners have been equipped by becoming innovators. They become creative and are able to solve problems through their own discoveries and collaboration.«
Pauline Muiruri
Kinyanjui Primary School, Nairobi County

»I used to talk a lot and at the end of the day I found myself exhausted. After using the Experimento teaching methods I teach easily and learners perform higher as it is used before.«
Mark Twara
Riruta Primary School, Nairobi County

In charge of implementing Experimento
Would you like to support Experimento in Kenya? Siemens Stiftung offers several possibilities for companies and NGOs interested in contributing to education in Kenya.
Project manager Experimento Kenya
Rebecca Ottmann
+49 174 155 94 83
Founder and executive director Impacting Youth Trust
Nyokabi Njuguna
+254 7 26 61 40 21