German Excellence School Network for STEM

MINT-EC is an initiative aimed at promoting math and science-oriented high schools to promote STEM proficiency in Germany. Siemens Stiftung provides financial support to the initiative and offers workshops and training. Our focus is on practical perspectives and the use of STEM subjects for responsible participation and sustainable development.
Promoting talent and networking
Since 2000, the national excellence network MINT-EC has focused on supporting lighthouse schools in their development into STEM talent nurseries. The MINT-EC network schools offer a wide range of activities for students, teachers and school administrators – from multi-day research events in cooperation with educational institutions, teachers training and school development training to competitions and an alumni network for former MINT-EC students. Access to the MINT-EC network is made possible through a unique nationwide selection process that examines the quality and quantity of STEM programs offered by schools and sets the highest standards.
MINT-EC is sponsored by the employers’ association “Gesamtmetall” as part of the “think ING. initiative”, the Bavarian business associations – vbw and bayme vbm – and the Siemens Stiftung. It has been under the patronage of the German “Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs” (KMK) since 2009.
Strengthening the social relevance of STEM subjects
In addition to our many years of financial support, we also contribute with workshops and training courses on topics such as inquiry-based learning, Design Thinking in STEM and Service-Learning to strengthen the focus on the social relevance of STEM subjects. After all, if you want to play a positive role in shaping society, you not only need knowledge, but also values, creativity and team spirit.
Siemens Stiftung is represented on the association’s board by Angela Clerc who is also project manager for our working area Education.

MINT-EC thematic cluster Health
From 2024, in cooperation with the MINT-EC, we will be inviting teachers who work on the topic of health or others who are interested. The cluster focuses on combining the three areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), health and schools. We understand health as a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not just as being free of illness. Together, we want to exchange best practices and build up knowledge. The aim is to highlight the urgency to act and to work on concrete projects, teaching materials and ways of integrating them into everyday school life. The aim is to develop and implement innovative, interdisciplinary educational practices in line with our STEMplus approach.

Project Manager MINT-EC
Angela Clerc
+49 89 540487 303
Contact person for the health topic cluster
Ursula Gentili
+49 163 393 77 29
Managing Director MINT-EC
Dr. Niki Sarantidou
+49 1590 1653386