
Empowering Green Workforce Development in Rural Kenya  

Rooted in STEM subjects, the WeLearn project aims to bridge the skill gap between theory and technical application required for the green economy.
© Siemens Stiftung

Kenya is transforming its energy sector and rapidly shifting to renewable energy with a target of attaining 100% sustainable energy by 2030. It requires a workforce to fuel this green transition. Education is one of the most critical factors that determine income and social development. In partnership with social enterprise, WE!Hub Victoria Limited (WeTu), Siemens Stiftung offers the educational project WeLearn. The four-week course focuses on vocational orientation for school graduates (50% girls) in technical skills. Rooted in STEM subjects, the project aims to bridge the skill gap between theory and technical application required for the green economy. 


Hands-on Minds-on training for a sustainable economy

Siemens Stiftung has launched the educational project WeLearn for school graduates with a focus on girls to broaden their horizon and interest for further training in technical and vocational education. The objective is to introduce rural youth to technical skills required for labor intensive technologies and to strengthen their capacity to take up green jobs in the future. To implement the project, the internationally operative foundation has joined forces with Kenyan social enterprise WeTu (founded by Siemens Stiftung in 2019). WeTu operates in the Lake Victoria region providing sustainable solutions in the energy, water, mobility, and agriculture sectors.  

The motto of all trainings: "Hands on – Minds on".
© Siemens Stiftung

Training at the WeTu innovation hub

In collaboration with the organization SMASE-Africa (Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education in Africa), trained facilitators are conducting intensive training sessions for school graduates at several WeTu water-energy hubs. These hubs serve as real-life learning labs, providing students with hands-on experience in practical and technical skills from operating solar pumps to electric vehicle charging stations and installation of solar panels among others. Additionally, the students receive hands-on training from the specialist WeTu team. Comprising of 100% locals including women – the WeTu experts will be role models for students joining the project 

Workforce skills development in rural areas

The WeLearn project contributes to cultivating a proficient and equitable labor force. It equips the youth from the rural communities with skills that otherwise they will not have the opportunity to hone. The project will diversify the local workforce by offering young women and men the essential skills and career readiness programs required to take on roles in the evolving sector. A more skilled workforce leads to the growth of local industry segments and ultimately fosters sustainable development. Furthermore, WeLearn supports UN Sustainable Development Goals such as “Quality Education,” “Gender Equality,” and “Climate Action.”

Competent trainers impart practical and technical skills.
© Siemens Stiftung

“Empowering Girls in Green Technology”: A video provides insights into WeLearn’s training program.

© Siemens Stiftung

Looking into the Future: Two cohorts have already successfully completed their training. 50% of the participants embarked on a path into one of the technical fields presented.

© Siemens Stiftung



Would you like to collaborate with us? Or do you have any questions?

Project manager WeLearn
Rebecca Ottmann
+49 174 155 94 83